UOB Virtual Art Space

You can’t really replicate the experience of going inside an art gallery. The physical experience of going up the stairs, locking our bags in the visitor locker, and going through the entrance is like traveling to another world. Everything about the smell, the sight, and the rhythm of our footsteps feel transcendental.

But while we continue to battle the pandemic and has yet found our finish line, a virtual art space is not a bad idea.

UOB Hong Kong has launched the UOB Virtual Art Space earlier last month, featuring 28 ink artworks via two exhibitions, first being the 2019 UOB Art in Ink Awards Winners’ Showcase and Tide of Life, a virtual solo exhibition by Mr Chan Sze Cheong, gold winner of the 2019 UOB Art in Ink Awards (Open category – Abstract), and the second being The 2019 UOB Art in Ink Awards Winners’ Showcase which features 18 winning Chinese ink artworks created by a group of Hong Kong artists from 9 to 60 years old. The two exhibitions will be online until 30 April 2021 and will then be updated on a biannual basis.

This augmented reality space not only allows viewers to enjoy artwork in the comfort of their home and at their own pace, it also allows viewers to place the virtual versions of the true-to-scale paintings in their own real homes by purchasing their chosen painting online.

The UOB Virtual Art Space: www.UOBArtAcademy.com.hk/UOBVAS
The UOB Art Explorer – Online visual arts programme (Art Virtually; Art In Ink; Art At Home; Art As Therapy; Art In Story and Art In Colours)www.uobartacademy.com.hk/art_exp_index.en

Online artist talk with Mr Chan Sze Cheong
6pm-7pm, 28 January 2021
Pre register at www.facebook.com/uob