…I found the most amazing blush dress with feathers at the bottom. O. M. G. As amazing as it it, I really wasn’t willing (or able!) to spend over $300 on it. So I sulked about it for almost two weeks before the lightbulb came on of, “Hey Dummy! DIY that dress!” Oh yeah! Good Find out more

Good news: You can totally let your free-spirit flag fly even when the weather outside is actively hostile toward your exposed nose and fingertips. (Fingerless gloves can be so cruel.) Here are the staples you need to channel your inner haute hippie through all four seasons, with eight easy combos to help you nail the Find out more

Anyway, I got the hankering to make some summer sandals, and I kept thinking about those homemade gladiator sandals from high school. My sandals are not quite as advanced…I simply used espadrille soles and customized them (so easy to do!). Here’s how I made mine in case you’re curious…

This photo story follows a text conversation between two best friends. While one friend is trying to convince her BFF to tell her crush how she feels, she is also keeping quiet about her own feelings for the same guy. There are some truths that can’t be told. —Vatsala, Apoorva, and Vartika